Phab is a national charity providing social activities for people of all abilities - where disabled and non-disabled people come together to have fun.
Who are we?
We are St. Albans Area Junior Phab Club (a club for children and young people age 5-18). We were founded in St. Albans 50 years ago and are a registered charity. It is run by a small committee of dedicated volunteers with a wide range of experience with additional needs children. Our Chairman is Paul Sands, our Secretary and Events Organizer is Marion Jones and our Safe-guarding Officer is Kathy Fardell. The committee also includes a Treasurer and a parent representative.

What does PHAB stand for?
PHAB stands for Physically-Disabled and Able-Bodied. Many of our members have various physical disabilities but able-bodied siblings come along as well.
Our aim:
Our aim is to provide social activities for disabled children and their siblings to enjoy.

Membership Criteria
The age range of our children is 5-18. On registering with us, medical information will be required. There is no membership fee, just a charge for each separate activity. This is normally £5.00 or £10.00 per child depending on the activity. A few activities are free. Our residentials are priced differently.

Who comes to Phab?
We have children with additional needs and their siblings. This includes children in wheelchairs, children with sight and hearing impairment, reduced mobility, non-visible impairments, learning difficulties, etc.
Parents or carers come along and help support the children. Committee members provide additional, overall, support and we seek further volunteers.
Activities and Breaks:
When are they held and what do we do?
We meet weekly in the summer holidays, once at Easter and three times over Christmas and the new year. Occasionally we have extra events. Our activities are mainly outings and are fully inclusive eg seaside, zoos, museums, sporting activities, theatres and parties. Every other year we offer a 2/3 night residential. Examples of these are to the Calvert Trust, Devon, Hilltop Outdoor Centre, Sheringham and the Wingate Centre, Nantwich - these places offer activities for all abilities (eg. abseilling, water-sports, team-building games, specialized gymnastics).
We seek volunteers age 18 and over. Obviously we try to use any special skills but the main requirement is simply to be helpful and have fun with the children! A DBS check will be required. Please contact